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KPro Power Up issues. This info is good for any ECU using RSX K series stand alone wiring. 

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So you are having trouble getting your ECU to power up. Please realize the main relay is ECU controlled. Sequence of power up is as follows. Key on 12v to ECU connector E pin 9. Then ECU grounds E connector pin 7. Pin7 wire runs to ground trigger at Main relay. Main relay turns on and applies 12v power to C101 pins 9,14, and 20. At this point ECU should be powered up.

Follow these steps to troubleshoot. 

1. Disconnect the E connector from the ECU.  Please confirm you have 12v to pin 9 with key in On position. If so please proceed to step 2. If not, you need to confirm that the black/orange stripe wire from kick panel has 12v at key on. If no, issue is in the dash, key switch, or fuse related.

2. Your ECU is grounded through the engine harness. Make sure your ground at intake manifold or valve cover has a good contact and is actually grounding to the chassis. Follow this link for grounding info.

3. Plug the E connector back into the ECU.  

4. Does the Main relay click when you turn key to On position? If Yes, Please confirm 12v at c101 pins 9,20, and 14( these are powered by main relay) . If No, go to step 5

5.Check fuse to main relay 1st. Unplug the E Connector at ECU again. Remove Main Relay. Test main relay socket. It will have 2 locations that are spliced together, They should both have 12 volts with key off or on. 



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